Summer is the perfect time for kids to immerse themselves in reading!
U.S. Bank employees are teaming up with us to promote summer reading! Employees shared some of their top children’s book recommendations for kids from birth-age 3.
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
Review by Halle Morrell
The Rainbow Fish was the only one in the ocean who had sparkly, shiny, beautiful scales. He was very proud of his beauty and did not think anyone could compare. The Rainbow Fish was not nice to the other fish and had to learn the lesson of sharing. The Rainbow Fish gave each of his fellow fish one of his shiny scales so they could shine with him and feel just as beautiful as he did. Sharing and friendship is far more important than beauty and The Rainbow Fish had to learn that to understand what true beauty is.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Offers a variety of colors and shapes associated with animals that aren’t always common. This aspect gives the reader the opportunity to associate various creatures with different surroundings. Recognition of types of animals is an important childhood milestone. The rhyming throughout the book also aids in cognitive growth and understanding.