Materials for BookSpring Partners
Literacy kits, materials, and activities are what build a culture of literacy. All of our partner resources from kits to volunteers are designed to build engagement and interaction around reading. All programs are resuming and continuing at the current time and kits, costumes, and materials may be checked out on loan from our new location in South Austin. Please reach out to Alejandro Torres at or (512) 472-1791 x 103 for current updates.
Also, if you’re looking for online materials and activities right now to help your children get inspired about reading, please see our digital books and resources online for ages 3-5 and 6-8: at Bibi’s Weekly Themes and our growing resource of online Read Alouds and Book Reviews on BookSpring’s YouTube Channel. As Open Educational Resources, you may use, link, download, and share freely with your classes, children, and families. We also recommend these sources for digital books: Storyweaver, Unite for Literacy, and The Fable Cottage.
Enrichment Kits Available to Promote Engagement at Book Distribution Events
BookSpring continues to offer themed enrichment kits for check out by our partners. Kits include props, decorations, hats and/or costumes for facilitators, book options for read alouds, and suggested activities to promote student engagement.
Book a Trip! (Airplane & Transportation kit)
Be a Book Hero! (Superhero kit)
Oh, The Places You’ll Go! (Dr. Seuss kit)
Dive Into a Good Book! (Oceans & Beaches kit)
Fun with Folk & Fairytales (Fairytales kit)
Book Buffet / Reading Cafe (Food kit)
GO, READ, WIN! (Sports kit)
Reading in the Great Outdoors (Camping kit)
Reading Lab (Science kit)
Monster Readers! (Monsters & Halloween kit)
Pet Parade! (Pets kit)
Barnyard Book Buddies! (Farm Animals kit)
Reading is Magic! (Magician kit)
Reading is Out of this World! (Space Kit)