BookSpring Case for Support

Envisioning a world of families reading and succeeding together, BookSpring builds early literacy in children and families through healthcare, education, and the community.

Why you should consider making BookSpring one of your cherished causes to support

BookSpring, a nonprofit serving Central Texas, invites you to help make systemic change by transforming communities with a wealth of opportunities for families to move their children successfully along the continuum of literacy development. With your help, BookSpring programs can reach low-literacy families at the very earliest point in their child’s development, helping them to optimize the critical early months and years of brain development. By making reading aloud an integral part of family activities so that children grow up with books and a love of reading, families succeed. Through BookSpring, they find support and resources to build a strong foundation for language and literacy acquisition.

Giving to BookSpring is safe, easy, and impactful. As the leading Central Texas organization focusing on building literacy skills and the motivation to read through increasing home libraries and reading aloud activities for children, we reach as many children as a large urban school district, with a small staff, many volunteers, and solid financial practices. With five decades of experience, BookSpring has taken the best practices of national organizations, Reach Out and Read and Reading is Fundamental, and adapted them to the special needs of Central Texas low-income families.

BookSpring’s programs in schools, childcare centers, and non-profit agencies increase awareness of the importance of reading while providing the tools to do so. To maximize impact, we partner with professional staff and volunteers to work in the field through book distributions, supplemental activities, and events designed to educate, inspire, and build intrinsic motivation to read.  We also provided direct services to families who apply by mailing individually curated books directly to their homes, and through parent education classes on reading aloud together with their child.

We have created a continuum of early literacy interventions through a theory of change that support brain development, family interaction, skill building and the motivation to read in children from birth through age 12.  Each year, we distribute over 100,000 books throughout our community and provide countless hours of engaging and motivational reading experiences that build skills, empathy, and understanding.

The difference it will make

Your support in the form of a charitable contribution will help us provide books and motivational resources that children and families need to read at home. Help us grow to reach the goal of serving all the 80,000 children most in need in Central Texas as they grow up for years to come.

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