Give the Gift of Time

Volunteers are essential to all aspects of BookSpring programs. From reading aloud to children and families, sorting book donations, and distributing books in our community, we have a volunteer opportunity fit for you!
Join us for a fun and impactful volunteer experience! Individuals, families (children ages 12 and up), social and civic groups, and corporate groups are welcome.
Step 1: Complete a New Volunteer Application
To stay in touch, please complete an application. We will capture your contact information, add you to our email list, and keep you updated on ongoing and unique volunteer opportunities. Please note that some positions require criminal background checks, and we cannot accommodate court-mandated community service placements.
Step 2: Sign Up for Volunteer Opportunities
We use to schedule most of our open assignments. You can go directly to this calendar to pick your preferred dates and times if registered as a volunteer. Check back often as new opportunities are being added all the time.
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities

- Delivery Services: If you have a vehicle and are willing to help, sign up to deliver boxes of books to our community partners. Apply today and stay updated on upcoming opportunities to get books into the hands of those who need them.
- Group Book Sorting and Labeling: Whether you’re an individual or part of a group, join us at our HQ or warehouse to help sort and label books. Group leaders can sign up and reserve dates through our calendar.
- Program Event Support: Collaborate with our community partners to host events like Books for Me and BookSpring Days, or get involved with our public event, BookSpring Fest. Volunteer roles range from greeting attendees to reading aloud and leading special activities.
- BookSpring Originals Reviewers: Help expand our open-access digital library by reviewing original submissions of artwork, short stories, and flash fiction for children. Learn more and get involved through this link.
Contact us if you have any questions or need specific accommodations at (512) 472-1791 x 105.
Step 3: Report Your Hours
Once you’ve completed your volunteer assignment, please take a moment to complete our volunteer satisfaction survey here. If you need to track your service hours for work or a civic group, or if you’d like us to record your hours, log your time for our records.
Logging your service hours helps us report to our funders and recognize your valuable contribution to our mission!
More Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities are continually evolving! Stay engaged by applying, signing up, logging your hours, and coming back to help us build a strong, inclusive, and diverse reading culture in our community.