Personal destacado: Idali Reyes, Partner Manager

¿Cuál es su cargo en BookSpring y qué significa para usted?

My role as a Partner Manager at BookSpring means a commitment to building and nurturing meaningful relationships with our partners, who include various organizations, schools, and agencies throughout Texas who share our vision of building early literacy and empowering families to read together.

¿Qué es lo que más le gusta de su trabajo?

There are many aspects I enjoy, such as seeing children?s excitement when they choose books during our community events and coordinating our Family Book Clubs. I am also grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with a wide range of organizations and individuals who are equally passionate about literacy and books. Building these connections and working together toward a common goal is a great source of motivation for me.

¿Cómo ve el futuro de BookSpring?

For BookSpring, I see continued growth and impact, particularly through Books Beginning at Birth. I think the role of a Partner Manager will evolve as BookSpring grows and adapts to meet new goals and the needs of the communities we serve. Because strong partnerships become even more crucial, creating a network of partners committed to increasing awareness about the importance of reading and maximizing creative and effective ways will continue to be a priority.

¿Qué le gustaría decir al público de BookSpring sobre usted?

I?m thankful for everyone who supports us, our partners and community members. Your support has helped bring books to families that need them most! When I?m not at BookSpring HQ, I?m spending time with my dog ? who loves to go on car rides and walks no matter the time of day!

Personal destacado: Idali Reyes, Partner Manager
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