About Books Beginning at Birth
I love the books from Books Beginning at Birth because my child is now reading words that he was not reading before. He's showing more growth in his reading. He is looking at the pictures and, sounding out words, and it is making me a proud parent. Thank you ...

About Books For Me
Many of our students hugged their new books tight and stared in disbelief, and said "I get to keep these forever?!?" One of my students who is not typically a big reader said, "I just don’t know which books to choose – there are too many good ones!" ...

About BookSpring Days
What most impresses me about BookSpring is how well they have been able to personalize the experiences for our different populations. BookSpring staff and volunteers are always thoughtful and intentional with their interactions, drawing families in to participate in the fun ...

About Bibi’s Weekly Themes
My 2 year old just started a PBS class last night, and I noticed that the BookSpring app is downloaded on the tablet she was given. I’m excited to see how the teacher will incorporate the Weekly Themes into the lessons she will be learning. So when my daughter asks ...

About ReadWell
At our clinic in Austin, talking about the importance of reading is part of what’s called the Well-Child visit. Families take home a book thanks in part to the efforts of BookSpring. Second to immunizations, I believe this is the most important thing I do as a pediatrician ...