Donate Your Original Stories

BookSpring Originals is accepting donations of children’s stories from diverse authors and illustrators. The stories will be available for free, easy to use, and open access platform for educators, parents, caregivers, and children. Our goal is to foster a love for reading and literacy in children of all backgrounds. Over 54,000 visitors have enjoyed our open access digital library. We will also release the stories in a free app for iOS and Android. BookSpring is a non-profit organization that builds early literacy in children and families through healthcare, education, and the community. We distribute books and reading materials free of charge to underserved families in Texas.

Online submissions of original, unpublished stories and artwork are now open. Work that was previously self published will be accepted. We are looking for authors and artists who will create original, captivating, and culturally authentic content for children ages 0 to 12 years and their families. We are particularly interested in stories that work well for reading aloud together as a family.  While this isn’t traditional publication, we will always give your credit for the creative work you donate to this effort.  We may edit, illustrate, or translate your material, and you may use any contributions we make for free as well under the terms of Creative Commons.

Please read the complete guidelines and send your digital submissions via these links:

BookSpring Originals Submissions – English FormBookSpring Originals Submissions – Spanish Form

We encourage full text of previously unpublished submissions in English, Spanish, and other languages to engage young readers across Texas, and beyond.  We also accept original artwork

BookSpring will accept submissions immediately and on an ongoing basis, but will prioritize reviewing manuscript and artwork in the following order:

  • Baby books (approximately birth to age 2, approximately 100 words)
  • Picture books (approximately ages 3-5, approximately 300 words)
  • Early readers (approximately ages 6-8, approximately 600 words)
  • Flash Fiction (approximately ages 9-12, approximately 1000 words)
  • Artwork or portfolios for all ages

Please allow up to 2-4 months for the BookSpring staff and volunteers to review your submission. We may request edits or edit the material to suit our platform. Selected creators will be asked to sign a release and will receive a one-time honorarium of $100 per manuscript or set of illustrations upon acceptance.

Call for Reviewers & Translators

BookSpring is also looking for volunteers to review and translate story submissions. Learn more about this opportunity and how to sign up through this link: Information for Reviewers.

BookSpring looks forward to seeing your original material! Please share this news with your friends, family, and organizations. We look forward to working with you to develop your stories and artwork and launch a wealth of new multilingual, culturally rich readings out into the world!

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