What would you like to read about today?
hint: try words like dog, food, sister, rain, and more

The Hungry Little Sky Monster_English_Cover

I Like to Read_English_Cover

Sleepy Mr. Sloth_English_Cover

Walking Together_English_Cover

My Inside Weather_English_Cover

Who's That Baby_English_Cover

Let's Have an Inside Day_English_Cover

Who Can Fly Without Wings_English_Cover

The Weather Report_English_Cover

We Are Months_English_Cover

Little Ant's Big Plan_English_Cover

My Dream in the Drawer_English_Cover

Little Shoots_English_Cover

Mrs. Penguin's Perfect Palace_English_Cover

Zandi and Birdy Monster_English_Cover

A Beautiful Day_English_Cover

Sindi and the Moon_English_Cover

Lara the Yellow Ladybird_English_Cover

Zibu & Zizo_English_Cover

Zanele Sees Numbers_English_Cover

The Best Thing Ever_cover_English

Meerkat Magic_English_Cover

Hippo Wants to Dance_Cover_English

Just a Minute - English Cover

BookSpring Staff Book - Roni & Mac - Cover -English - digital version 4-27-2024

zandi-and-birdy-monster_en_20180508_cover BS

There's an Alien in My House!

What will you find in my Kitchen

Who Made the Tomato Chutney

Plek Plok, the Lucky Little Fish

Cracking the Code Women Who Have Changed the Way We Look at Computers

Twins Meet Nelson Mandela

Mahatma Ghandi story (part 1) english

Incredible Insects A Counting Book

Let's Make Some Lime Juice

Dive- BookSpring Weekly Themes #5- Ocean

A Suitable Shell- BookSpring Weekly Themes #5-Ocean

Abdul the Octopus- BookSpring Weekly Themes #5

Anaya the Princess of the Ocean

Fear of the Ocean-BookSpring Weekly Themes #5

Mouse inside the House (6-8)

Timmy and Pepe (3-5 year olds)

The Three Little Kittens (6-8 year olds)

Puppy Hears a Noise (6-8 year olds)

Petros and his Dog (level 2)

New Pussy Cat (6-8 year olds)

Naughty Dog (3-5 year olds)

My City, My Dogs (6-8 year olds)

It's All the Cat's Fault!(6-8 year olds)

Goldfish Genius (6-8 year olds)

Drawing My Cat (6-8 year olds)

Clean Cat (3-5 year olds)

Bunty and Bubbly (3-5 year olds)

Bud and Me (3-5 year olds)

Bow Meow Wow (3-5 year olds)

Ammu's Puppy (6-8 year olds)

Rainbow Visits the Village

Catch a Ride on Raindrops

My Sister and Me (week 1)

Rani's First Day of School (week 1)

Nin Wants to Get Dressed (week 1)
Check back soon, new books are added all the time!