Year End Giving Supports Books for Children

Did you know that Year-End Giving Supports over 100,000 children in Texas? Through BookSpring, families throughout our community have applied and received curated packages of books, materials, and activities in the mail to keep kids reading at home, as well as receive books through our Ed, Rx, and Go program partners.

Access to books has been even more difficult for many families in our community during this pandemic. Your end-of-year gift of $25, $50, or $100 or more can help bridge the gap and sustain a flow of books to families and children for the coming year. 

“I just wanted to let you know that we received the books. Thank you so much. My girls were so happy!”  – Mom of child served by BookSpring

In an effort to support parents and caregivers in building reading habits at home, they are also invited to opt into weekly text messages or a monthly bilingual newsletter for tips, downloadable books, and other free resources to promote reading at home. See more about our newest program at Books Beginning at Birth.

As always, your support is what makes the real difference to children and families in need of high quality, age appropriate, and diverse children’s books and easy to follow supports to encourage reading together at home.

Thank you in advance for your generous support and have a very hopeful New Year.

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