Authors Chris Barton and Jennifer Ziegler are celebrating the release of their two latest children’s books at a holiday event at BookPeople in Austin, TX on Saturday, December 5th. They are proud to use the event to promote the Giving Tree program.
Find out more on the event’s FaceBook page:
Just take a snowflake tag from the tree. Choose a book or gift from the store and bring it to the registers the event.
Anyone who purchases a hardcover children’s book at the BookPeople holiday event to donate to Giving Tree will be entered into a drawing to receive signed sets of both of Barton and Ziegler’s new books.
Barton’s books for young readers are ‘THE NUTCRACKER’ COMES TO AMERICA and THE AMAZING AGE OF JOHN ROY LYNCH (Texas Bluebonnet Award Master List). He’s also the author of THE DAY-GLO BROTHERS (winner, Sibert Honor) and SHARK VS. TRAIN (a New York Times bestseller).
By increasing the number of books in the homes of Austin-area children, BookSpring is perpetuating generational literacy and helping kids create their own success in life.