The American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) held their annual conference late July at the Austin Convention Center. We are very grateful that AALL selected BookSpring as the recipient of their children’s book drive.
AALL’s Social Responsibilities Special Interest Section addresses issues of social change and social responsibility that are of concern to AALL members by sponsoring education programs at their annual meetings.
Members of AALL purchased over 300 books via an Amazon wish list prior to the conference. The multilinguistic list focused adding to our inventory with infant and school age appropriate books in English, Spanish, and Arabic for children reached through the BookSpringEd programs.
Titles dealing with multicultural topics were also a focus for this group of individuals who know the importance of books in the home.
Attorneys at the Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver, & Jacobson LLP also sent in over 100 gently used books.
Thank you to all the AALL members who donated via this online book drive; the attorneys at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver, & Jacobson LLP who held an internal book drive; and Children’s Book Drive Chair for the AALL, Social Responsibilities Special Interest Section, Megan Von Behren for selecting BookSpring. Going to the pick up the mail from the post office box became a daily adventure! Staff had a fantastic time opening all the gifts over the course of the online book drive.
The AALL also provided BookSpring with a monetary donation to further support our programs.
AALL’s passion for literacy and support of our programs will help children in Central Texas enjoy and excel at reading. Thanks to these books, they can grow up with a better chance of succeeding in school, work, and life.
Click here: To host a book drive
Click here: To donate via BookPeople wishlist.
AALL members Megan Von Behren and Stacy Etheredge showing off their favorite titles! Thank you ladies for all your support!