Go on a picnic with Bibi this week! A picnic is where you bring some food you like and a blanket, or find a picnic table, or sit under a tree to enjoy your meal with friends, family, and all of nature. There are a lot of books that describe different types of picnics and you can explore them together at home.
Watch videos, download books to read together, and explore things to do with BookSpring.
Books to Read Together
Here are some books to read together! You can download and save them and keep them forever, to read again and again.
Baby and the Bear
- When you are sad, do you do anything to cheer yourself up?
- When you are sad, do your friends or family help cheer you up?
Grandpa’s Garden
- What are your favorite vegetables?
- What do you do when you spend time with your family or grandparents?
A Fun Picnic
- What do you like to do with your friends?
- What do you like to eat when you are with your friends?
Anaya and Her Plant
- Who in your family cooks?
- How do you think the plant grew in Anaya’s yard?
El Jardín del Abuelo Farouk
- ¿Por qué se está muriendo el jardín del abuelo?
- ¿Cómo le ayuda amir?
- ¿Cómo te sentirías si pierdes algo importante?
Thangwang Y Bhalluka (El bebe y El Oso)
- ¿Cuando estas triste que hacer para divertirte?
- ¿Cuando estas triste, que hace tu familia y amigos para ayudarte?
Las Plantas
- ¿Que tipo de plantas hay?
- ¿Qué planta quisieras tener?
Jadav, El Hombre Que Planta Bosques
- ¿Cómo ayudó Jadav a las serpientes?
- ¿Quien vive en el bosque?
- ¿Quién quisiera que viviera en tu bosque?
Things to Do Together
- Spring is a wonderful time to spend outside, so why not choose a meal to eat outside on a blanket?
- If it’s a cloudy day, what shapes can you see in the clouds?
- Take the time to look around and notice the many different colors – there are so many variations of green in the leaves at this time of year. Do you know the names of some of the trees/plants that are around you?
- Play “I spy” by choosing something that you can see and describing it to your child. Can they figure out what you are looking at?
- If you have flowers with white petals in your yard, then you can try a science experiment. Cut a stem a few inches below the flower and put it into a vase with water. Add some food coloring to the water. Watch for the next few days – what happens to the petals?
Ways to Move Together
- Wheelbarrow – have your child crouch down with their hands on the ground, arms straight but with elbows slightly bent. Lift their legs by putting your hands under their knees. How many steps can they make walking on their hands with you supporting their legs? This is a wonderful exercise for strengthening their shoulder muscles.
- Bowling – set up aluminum cans/cereal boxes/toilet roll inners and scrunch up some paper to make the ball. Set your “pins” up, and have fun!
- If you have an old sheet at home, cut holes of different shapes and sizes in it. Edge each one with duct tape. Suspend the sheet outside and see if you can throw a ball through each of the holes you made. Award points according to how difficult each one is to get.
Share Together
At the end of the week, reflect on what you read and what you did.
- Did you learn the names of any new plants or trees?
- Can you remember the stages a seed goes through to become a plant?
- I learned something new about…
More Ideas To Build Young Readers
Come back each Sunday for new Weekly Themes from BookSpring. Meanwhile, keep reading for more parent tips and recommendations!
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