Submitted by Amanda Shaver, Volunteer Manager
This summer, I was fortunate enough to be selected to take on the position of BookSpring’s volunteer manager. As a social worker and a former teacher, this is a new role for me, but it is one that I feel truly passionate about. Connecting people in our community who want to make a difference for other children and families right here in our own city is an amazing thing to be able to call a career. So far, in my brief time as volunteer manager, I have been humbled by the time, care, and effort I have seen so many of our volunteers put into BookSpring’s mission.
One shining example of volunteerism is the National Charity League (NCL), Capital of Texas Chapter. BookSpring is one of the philanthropies supported by the NCL. This organization of mother and daughter volunteers is one of over 165 charity leagues in the nation, and in 2012, they won the Outstanding Chartered Chapter designation from the national league. After working with these ladies this summer, it is easy to see why! This summer alone, over 30 volunteers from the NCL put in 178 volunteer hours with BookSpring. These ladies completed BookSpring’s entire inventory of more than 43,000 books, helped to sort and label gently used books to be distributed to Reach Out and Read clinics around Austin, and supported summer library programs at McBee Elementary, Wooldridge Elementary, Zavala Elementary, and Blanton Elementary! Wow!

Jill Seibert is the NCL liaison for BookSpring, and she requested to continue in that role for an additional year to support BookSpring as I navigate this new role as volunteer manager. She has been particularly helpful and supportive, and has helped to build the relationship between BookSpring and the NCL, a relationship that will continue to grow and make a lasting impact on our community.