Reading Is Fun!

Submitted by: Kelly Bennett, Junior League of Austin Community Volunteer

Growing up I struggled with reading and I definitely didn’t think reading
was fun. After college I joined an adult book club and started to enjoy
reading for pleasure. I also switched careers and became an elementary
teacher. I really enjoyed reading to children and helping them find a book
they would love. This fall I decided not to go back to teaching and to stay
home with my baby, but I do miss teaching. BookSpring appealed to me
because I thought I could still help children.

During my first shift I was only decorating a library but just walking in
the school and hearing the children’s voices brought back good feelings and
memories of teaching. During my second shift I helped with RIF. The theme
was magic; the librarian and I wore magic capes! She did most of the tricks
and the kids were amazed. They were all so excited and could not wait to
take their very own book home. Also, I was so impressed with the librarian
because she spoke spanish (perfectly as far as I knew) to the bilingual
classes. At another shift I did, the theme was fairy tales. The librarian
and I acted out a story. I was little red riding hood and she was the big
bad wolf. I would say “Grandma, what big eyes you have, etc.” At the end she
chased me and the kids laughed. I also got to read the story to these kids
and then the librarian taught them a lesson.

Just from the little bit I have seen so far, BookSpring and RIF are truly
making a difference in these children’s lives. A child in these demographics
doesn’t usually get a book to take home and keep. Also, it’s neat for them
to pick out a book they want; not one their teacher or parent is pushing on
them. One of the librarians asked the kids what does RIF stand for and they
all shouted “Reading Is Fun!” (She explained to the older kids –

Reading Is Fun!
Kelly Bennett, BookSpring volunteer
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