
Booktoberfest Champions Event

Booktoberfest Champions Event

Booktoberfest Champions Event celebrated families, individuals, or organizations that have supported BookSpring with either a cumulative annual gift of over $1,000 or have given $5,000 over a lifetime. These dedicated individuals have made early childhood literacy a priority, and for that, we like to take time twice a year to ...
Fall Day of Caring Books

Fall Day of Caring supports the Greater Austin Reading Coalition

Fall Day of Caring Fall Day of Caring is a day that embraces and celebrates volunteerism through a day of service hosted by United Way for Greater Austin (UWATX). Corporate volunteer teams, individuals from the community, and organizations like BookSpring can participate. This year's Fall Day of Caring benefited members ...
Girl in her Reading Nook

9 Tips for Creating an Affordable Home Reading Nook

For a young reader, having access to books is paramount. Research suggests that increasing the number of books available to students, especially at a young age, leads to higher reading scores and academic achievement overall. More books in the classroom and at home means a student has more to choose ...
Mother & daughter reading together

7 Ways Families Can Promote Early Literacy 

Research confirms that families play an essential role in promoting early literacy. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, reading daily to young children helps their brain development (O’Keefe, 2014). Families can foster engagement while promoting early literacy! Reading together establishes a shared event in which stronger bonds develop between parents, ...
Father and son reading

Teachers Say Kids Need Books Right Now

One question that’s top of mind to everyone who has a child in school or works in a school is: What do we need to be doing right now to help kids make it through this challenging time? Our friends at First Book, a national non-profit clearinghouse for books for ...
Children's Books

The Junior League of Austin helps BookSpring Launch children into a World of Reading

The Junior League of Austin (JLA) is donating $3,000 to BookSpring to grow our program staff. This generous grant will allow us to increase staffing in delivering our continuum of literacy programs throughout Central Texas. BookSpring is also proud to be a community project of The Junior League of Austin ...
Photo of Kids Reading from Pexels

How to Encourage Your Children to Read at Home

By: María José Meneses, Originally published in Porch.com As children, we were told that reading is important, and many of us are among the millions of library users, audible subscribers, and bookstore shoppers. But exactly why is it important, and how do we convince kids of its inherent value? Well, like ...
The Trevor Romain Company Free eBooks and Video Books

Free eBooks and Video eBooks by The Trevor Romain Company

Kids and families interested in reading and watching multicultural stories should check out the award-winning and educational publisher, The Trevor Romain Company. Co-founded in 2007 by South African children's author, TV personality, and speaker Trevor Romain, This publisher offers educators, counselors, caregivers, and families resources to become happier, healthier, and ...
Volunteer Spotlight Sheila Carver

Volunteer Spotlight: Sheila Carver

BookSpring’s Volunteer Spotlight highlights our gratitude for the heroes behind the scenes. The Volunteer Spotlight is on Sheila Carver, a dedicated volunteer who loves kids and books! She has been volunteering with us since 2019. What is your volunteer role with BookSpring? What are some of the activities you have ...
Anne and Harrison

Celebrating a Legacy of Service and Education

By: Georgean and Paul Kyle, Travis Audubon  Travis Audubon honors devoted volunteer Anne Donovan with a BookSpring Flying Book Society membership. Today we celebrate Anne Donovan as a consummate educator and conservationist. We are thrilled to celebrate her legacy of service and education with a gift to BookSpring in her ...
Reading is The Key to Summer Fun

Reading is The Key to Summer Fun

Reading is the key to summer fun! With the vast world at children's fingertips with a turn of a page, kids can travel all summer long with some good books. Reading is a pivotal opportunity for children to have a fun and fulfilling summer. Here's why! Imagination and Entertainment Reading ...
Parent Book Club on Zoom

Volunteer Spotlight: Lili Cantu

BookSpring’s Volunteer Spotlight highlights our gratitude for the heroes behind the scenes. The Volunteer Spotlight is on Lili Cantu. Lili has contributed to the BookSpring mission for years as a staff member turned volunteer. What is your volunteer role with BookSpring? What are some of the activities you have helped ...
I Used To Be the Baby

When I Grow Up Book List

Check out these picture books to explore the theme "When I Grow Up" with kids ages 4-8. BookSpring volunteer Donovan Archer reviewed these books. Subscribe for more Children’s Books Reviews. I Used to Be the Baby By Robin Ballard “I used to be the baby, but now I am big.” ...
BookSpring Book Giveaway

New Research Links Book Giveaway Programs to Early Childhood Literacy

By Jayme Carrico Studies have found a child’s access to books plays a significant role in early childhood literacy. One recent study found that providing access to books, book giveaway programs encourage reading time between parents and children, increase a child’s overall interest in reading, and advances a child’s early ...
Building Connections to the World through Books

Building Connections to the World through Books

Join us for this very special BookSpring event! Who: Christy and Turk Pipkin of The Nobelity Project When: Thursday, April 22, 2021, 5 pm Where: via Zoom! RSVP, and we will email a private link to you. Donate & Register Guest Speakers Turk Pipkin Founder of The Nobelity Project, Turk Pipkin is an award-winning author, director, ...
Volunteer Prashanth Shenoy

Volunteer Spotlight: Prashanth Shenoy

Prashanth Shenoy began volunteering with us this past year. Having little access to books growing up in India inspired him to get involved with BookSpring. Prashanth is a devoted volunteer who assists with book pickups and deliveries. He is also helping with the mailing of BookSpring Direct book bundles to ...
Look! Flowers!

Spring Book List for Kids

Spring has sprung! It is time to stop and smell the roses. Check out these fun picture books to discover and learn about different types of flowers. BookSpring volunteer, Donovan Archer reviewed these books. Subscribe for more Children's Books Reviews. Look! Flower! by Stephanie Calmenson “Look! Flowers! They’re beautiful to ...
Volunteer Spotlight: Haley Meyer

Volunteer Spotlight: Haley Meyer

We are shining the spotlight on the founder of Community Helping Hands, Austin, TX, and Charity Links, Haley Meyer! Haley is a pro at connecting caring and giving individuals to meet the direct needs of multiple Austin nonprofits like us. What is your volunteering role with BookSpring?  I have been ...
Ramona_Beverly Cleary

Kid Approved Series : Ramona by Beverly Cleary

The Kid Approved Series is a collection of book recommendations by kids for kids and their families. Kids share what they enjoyed reading the most and why these stories made an impact on them. Ramona by Beverly Cleary Review by  Ella L. (Gorzycki Middle School) When I was little, my ...
Dr. Seuss and Cancel vs. Curate Cultures

Dr. Seuss and Cancel vs. Curate Cultures

By Emily Ball Cicchini, Ph.D., Executive Director Let’s talk about Dr. Seuss! You may have heard that some of his books are being discontinued by their publishers. Some people are saying that this is censorship or something called "cancel culture." However, only six from his collection of 60 books are ...
Super Bowl Book Drive hosted by St Gabriel’s Catholic School

Super Bowl Book Drive hosted by St Gabriel’s Catholic School

Hosting a book drive is fun and easy to do! Over the years, we've discovered all the creative ways people collect books. In lieu of birthday or Christmas gifts, as part of a corporate competition among departments, or as part of classroom activity to teach philanthropy. We love them all! ...
Austin Allies Book Drive drop off

Volunteer Spotlight: Austin Allies

BookSpring's Volunteer Spotlight highlights our gratitude for the heroes behind the scenes. This month the Volunteer Spotlight is on Austin Allies. Austin Allies was formed in November 2016 as a way for families to come together and give back to their community. The volunteer group strives to raise awareness in ...
Children’s Book Recommendations for Sharing Love

Children’s Book Recommendations for Sharing Love

By: AuntieCam, Guest Blogger  It is time to celebrate our love of books with books about love. As a proud “Auntie” to many children, I make it a point to shower them with books, particularly those that help them grow their emotional muscles, feel reassured that my love for them ...
World Read Aloud Day Community Storytime Collection

World Read Aloud Day: Community Storytime Collection

This year, we encourage you to celebrate World Read Aloud Day with our special Community Storytime collection. These are read-alouds from our extraordinary volunteers who want to share their love of reading with our community. Sit back and enjoy these stories anytime! Don't forget reading books has tremendous benefits for ...
FC-FamilyLiteracyNight 2017

Partner Spotlight: Foundation Communities

Our Partner Spotlight is on Foundation Communities! For over three years, we've collaborated with Foundation Communities to host family literacy events. These events were held for their after school and PreK-3 preschool programs. More than 1,000 children attend their free learning programs at their on-site Learning Centers. Through our partnership, ...
Books are a Lifeline Happy Hour

Books are a Lifeline Happy Hour

The accent was on HAPPY as we gathered together in the Fall with family and friends for the Happy Hour, an engaging virtual event with Authors Sarah Bird and David Rice. We raised $12,318 “with a little help from our friends,” enabling BookSpring to extend that critical lifeline of literacy ...
Become a BookSpring Book Reviewer!

Become a BookSpring Book Reviewer!

Share your love of reading through Book Reviews Do you love to share stories about the good books you've read lately?  If so, BookSpring invites you to become a volunteer book reviewer!  You can do this on video, or through a written blog post.  Both ways help share excitement and ...
Family in their reading nook

How to Create the Perfect Reading Nook

By: Lorena Romo, Originally published in Porch.com A reading nook can be the perfect way to enjoy curling up with your favorite books! Read Lorena Romo's guest blog for some tips and tricks that will inspire you to craft a perfect reading nook. Why Create a Reading Nook? For those ...
Commmunity Action picking up BookSpring books

Partner Spotlight: Community Action of Central Texas

Community Action of Central Texas has partnered with BookSpring since January 2019 to provide children and families with books throughout Hays County.  This month the partner spotlight is on Community Action of Central Texas. Check out Sandra Martell's guest blog below. Support provided in part by the Burdine Johnson Foundation. The ...
BookSpring Delivered During COVID

BookSpring Delivered During COVID

New ways of gifting "forever" books BookSpring has continued to deliver books through partnerships with elementary schools, childcare centers, and clinics throughout the pandemic.  In order to help reduce the COVID slide and keep young readers motivated, we are customizing the way we make our book distributions through our longstanding ...
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